[R-pkg-devel] CRAN and cmake

Thibault Vatter thibault.vatter at gmail.com
Tue May 23 18:27:37 CEST 2017

My bad, my question was not precise enough: by "an R package containing
cmake", I meant "an R package containing cmake itself" in order to be able
to use cmake e.g. when building an R package from source.

A little bit of context: I am trying to write an R interface to a C++
library where cmake was used instead of autotools, I would like my
configure.ac file to contain something like:

$("${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript download.file(url='${LIBRARY_URL}',
$("${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript untar(tarfile='${LIBRARY_TGZ}')")
$("${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript cmake('LIBRARY/CMakeLists.txt')")

In https://github.com/stnava/cmaker/issues/2, it was mentioned that the
cmaker package was refused from CRAN mostly because of a cross-platform
issue (mostly windows portability).

Concerning the cross-platform issue for windows, Gabor suggested to
"download [the cmake binaries] at install time, like the rest of the
rwinlib stuff".

Therefore, I wonder whether it would be wort trying to work on an updated
version of cmaker or if this is indeed "dead in the water".


On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:56 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:

> On 23 May 2017 at 10:34, Thibault Vatter wrote:
> | Hi,
> |
> | Back in 2015, there was a discussion on this list about CRAN and cmake.
> |
> | As explained by Gabor at the time, it would be useful to have cmake in a
> R
> | package.
> |
> | Furthermore, Gregory mentioned that there was something available on
> GitHub:
> |
> | https://github.com/stnava/cmaker
> |
> | Since it seems that the package was CRAN-ready two years ago, I wondered
> | what happened?
> |
> | Would an R package containing cmake be accepted in CRAN?
> Yes. Many of them do.
> A nice benefit of Gabor's CRAN mirror on GitHub is access to the GitHub.
> Here I constrain on user:cran (to get just that mirror, and nothing) and
> CMakeLists.txt.  Seems to find 47 repos -- corresponding to 47 packages.
> https://github.com/search?q=user%3Acran+CMakeLists.txt&type=
> Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93
> Hth, Dirk
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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