[R-pkg-devel] maintainer built vignette

Ian Carroll icarroll at sesync.org
Thu Apr 6 22:17:02 CEST 2017


First post to r-package-devel, thanks for your help.

How do I package an rmarkdown vignette that cannot be built on win-builder? The vignette in question demonstrates interaction with a SLURM cluster, which is not available to win-builder or travis. In my `.travis.yml` I can include `r_build_args: "--no-build-vignettes"` and `r_check_args: "--no-vignettes"` to skip the build and re-build steps respectively. I don’t know how to do that with win-builder, so I cannot pass the incoming pretest on package submission. The extra steps make me feel like I’m doing something wrong regardless.

So, what’s the appropriate way to include vignettes that should not be hammered with attempts to build at every turn? Some old advice seemed to suggest going straight to inst/docs, but newer rules are that inclusion in vignettes/ is mandatory.


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