[R-pkg-devel] registering native routines and references as R objects

J. Paul Brooks jpbrooks at vcu.edu
Thu Feb 16 23:28:04 CET 2017

I am working on an update to my package pcaL1.  Using win-builder, I
get a note including "Found no calls to 'R_registerRoutines',
'R_useDynamicSymbols'".  However, in my submission, I have a file
src/init.c that includes the contents at the bottom of this email to
register .C() routines.  Why can't win-builder find the calls to these

Also, when I include "useDynLib(pcaL1, .registration=TRUE,
.fixes="C_")" in NAMESPACE so that I can refer to the routines as R
objects, I get a warning that the objects C_* are not documented.  Is
it okay to ignore this warning?  It appears that the package stats
does not document such objects.

The contents of src/init.c:

#include "type.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
#include <R_ext/Visibility.h>

void l1pcahp (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, double *threshold,
double *initV, double *PCs);
void l1pcastar (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double *PCs);
void l1pca (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double
*tolerance, int *iterations, double *initV, double *PCs, double
void l1projection (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double
*PCs, double *projPoints, double *alphas);
void pcal1 (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double *PCs, int
*initMethod, double *initV);
void pcalp (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double *p, double
*PCs, int *initMethod, int *solMethod, double *initV, double *epsilon,
double *lratio);
void sharpel1pca (double *points_XT, int *dataDim, int *q, double
*PCs, double *objectives);

#define C_DEF(name, n) {#name, (DL_FUNC) &name, n}

static const R_CMethodDef cMethods[] = {
  C_DEF(l1pcahp, 5),
  C_DEF(l1pcastar, 4),
  C_DEF(l1pca, 8),
  C_DEF(l1projection, 6),
  C_DEF(pcal1, 6),
  C_DEF(pcalp, 10),
  C_DEF(sharpel1pca, 5),
  {NULL, NULL, 0}

void attribute_visible R_init_pcaL1(DllInfo *info)
  R_registerRoutines(info, cMethods, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  R_useDynamicSymbols(info, FALSE);
  R_forceSymbols(info, TRUE);

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