[R-pkg-devel] Namespace problem with pre-R 3.0.0 package

Sebastien Moretti sebastien.moretti at unil.ch
Thu Mar 3 15:45:37 CET 2016

I have just found that R 2 filled by itself the NAMESPACE file with
# Export all names

# Import all packages listed as Imports or Depends

So I filled the NAMESPACE file with that and gave it to R 3
Now functions are found!

Is it enough to do that?
Is it good practice to do that?
is .onLoad ... still required?


> Hi
> I have issues with an R package developed in 2004.
> It works perfectly in R < 3.
> It can be installed in R > 3 but functions are not available.
> Documentation I found is not really helpful for me who are not an R master.
> I have already fixed some problems with R CMD check but remaining ones
> are less trivial.
> For what I understand - with R < 3 - everything is loaded with this
> command in an R file in the R/ directory:
> .First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) library.dynam("jacop", pkg, lib);
> require("cluster")
> Now I replaced that with
> .onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {library.dynam("jacop", pkg, lib);
> require("cluster")}
> but functions are not found when called.
> NAMESPACE exists but is empty.
> Any idea how to solve that?
> Regards
> --
> Sébastien Moretti

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