[R-pkg-devel] checking PDF version of manual

Patrick Giraudoux patrick.giraudoux at univ-fcomte.fr
Sun Jan 31 20:20:40 CET 2016

Le 31/01/2016 16:28, Patrick Giraudoux a écrit :
> Le 31/01/2016 15:58, John Nolan a écrit :
>> Years ago I had a similar problem.   I had to manually install some 
>> font using the MikTex Settings program.  I think I also had to run 
>> the administrator version of this, not the regular user version, or 
>> the font didn't go in the right folder.   I don't remember details, 
>> but perhaps this will help.
>> John Nolan
>> American University
> Yes thanks; this is true for installing; the standard account does not 
> give appropriate warnings and subsequent proposals for MikTeX package 
> installation if missing, but does it as administrator. However,  that 
> is part of the truth only (;-), now works fine as administrator, but 
> still not under usual account (even after having resfreshed FNDB and 
> updated formats... following Uwe's instructions, see earlier mails). 
> Suppose matter of access rights. Will see that with our computer 
> professionnals in the lab tomorow Monday morning...
> Will inform the list thenafter in case it may help other users

At last found a way round... Actually gave administrator rights to the 
standard account. Then updated using MikTeX update (admin); new files to 
update appeared and these files were then visibly copied somewhere in 
the 'AppData' folder of the standard account; then rcmd Rd2pdf worked... 
Went back to the adminstrator account to give back standard rights to 
the standard account.

Works now !

Looks like there is sometting either weird in the way MiKTeX manages 
installation or weird in the way I manage with MiKTeX.

	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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