[R-pkg-devel] r-patched-solaris-sparc error

Martyn Plummer plummerm at iarc.fr
Tue Jun 23 12:18:13 CEST 2015

Hi Carlos,

The underlying cause is probably some C code that makes assumptions
about byte order or alignment that are not true on Solaris SPARC. Since
your code contains no compiled code that points to one of the package's
dependencies. In fact the data.table package also fails on Solaris


So you should contact the maintaner of data.table if you want this


On Mon, 2015-06-22 at 14:33 +0000, Carlos Cinelli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have written a simple package a while ago and I have noticed that
> only in solaris-sparc it failed some tests that I wrote with testthat.
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_benford.analysis.html
> I plan to (eventually) completely rewrite this package and maybe I
> will take these tests out of the CRAN version. But I wanted to
> understand why this errors showed up only in solaris (the Mean
> relative difference is quite big).Also, if I decided to keep the
> tests, I wanted to know how could I make sure these will not fail in
> solaris.
> ThanksBest
> Carlos
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