[R] Issues with R's forecast function

Paul Bernal p@u|bern@|07 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 27 18:24:50 CEST 2024

Dear all,

I am currently using R 4.3.2 and the data I am working with is the

ts_ingresos_reservas    = ts(ingresos_reservaciones$RESERVACIONES, start =
c(1996,11), end = c(2024,4), frequency = 12)

structure(c(11421.54, 388965.46, 254774.78, 228066.02, 254330.44,
272561.38, 377802.1, 322810.02, 490996.48, 581998.3, 557009.96,
619568.56, 578893.9, 938765.36, 566374.38, 582678.46, 931035.04,
855661.3, 839760.22, 745521.4, 816424.96, 899616.64, 921462.88,
942825, 1145845.74, 1260554.36, 1003983.5, 855516.22, 1273913.68,
1204626.54, 1034135.18, 904641.14, 1003094.3, 1073084.74, 928515.64,
854864.4, 928927.48, 1076922.34, 1031265.04, 1043755.7, 1238565.12,
1343609.54, 1405817.92, 1243192.86, 1235505.44, 1280514.56, 1314029.08,
1562841.28, 1405662.96, 1315083.12, 1363980.02, 1126195.72, 1542338.98,
1577437.94, 1474855.98, 1287170.56, 1404118.3, 1528979.66, 1286690.34,
1544495.16, 1527018.22, 1462908.72, 1682739.76, 1439027.72, 1531060.44,
1793606.88, 1835054.26, 1616743.96, 1779745.24, 1772628, 1736200.18,
1736792.72, 1835714.4, 2031238.04, 1937816.14, 1942473.52, 2131666.68,
2099279.26, 1939093.78, 2135231.54, 2187614.52, 2150766.28, 2179862.62,
2467330.32, 2421603.34, 2585889.54, 4489381.11, 4915745.55, 5313521.43,
5185438.48, 5346116.46, 4507418.33, 5028489.81, 4931266.16, 5529189.46,
5470279.34, 5354912.01, 5937028.11, 6422819.13, 5989941.72, 6549070.26,
6710738.34, 6745949.78, 6345832.78, 6656868.36, 6836903.51, 6456545.14,
7039815.42, 7288665.89, 7372047.96, 8116822.48, 7318300.42, 8742429.72,
8780764.44, 8984081.22, 8221966.77, 8594896.69, 8319125.91, 8027227.8,
9241082.48, 8765799.78, 9360643.68, 9384937.59, 8237007.99, 9251122.07,
8703017.5, 9004464.9, 8099029.39, 8883214.99, 8360815.05, 8408082.51,
9126756.64, 8610501.05, 9109139.05, 8904803.6, 12766215.9, 14055014.03,
12789865.86, 13251587.21, 13731917.7, 14925330.72, 14295954.4,
13346681.84, 14233732.03, 12743141.34, 13742979.78, 11770238.46,
11655300, 12327000, 10096000, 8712000, 6742500, 7199000, 5459000,
4442000, 7448500, 6322500, 6030500, 5521000, 4752000, 6248500,
5233000, 7440500, 5604500, 6516500, 6001500, 9364500, 14528500,
14076000, 11671500, 11778500, 13902500, 13073000, 11097000, 9547500,
10255000, 8986500, 10807000, 10031500, 9847000, 12216500, 11648500,
13106000, 10856500, 9679500, 9986500, 8947500, 11105500, 9950500,
10922000, 9031500, 9720500, 9709000, 9470500, 9316000, 9884500,
9067500, 8985000, 10888000, 9676500, 10047000, 8952000, 10191500,
12763000, 14885000, 13592000, 13364500, 11924000, 13888000, 12833500,
12239000, 9450000, 10028000, 10171500, 13648000, 13989000, 14488000,
14195000, 12800500, 12703000, 15300000, 14963000, 15049000, 13513000,
14155500, 14047500, 12923500, 13298500, 12814000, 13492000, 14405500,
12597500, 14486000, 12103500, 12815000, 11912000, 12353500, 12718500,
12972000, 12499000, 13683500, 17437000, 18147000, 17008000, 17180000,
16160000, 15096500, 13707000, 16254000, 14673500, 13661500, 17014000,
16104500, 17113000, 17200500, 15304500, 17131000, 16551000, 16356000,
14702000, 14488000, 14902500, 14435500, 15598500, 14754500, 15015000,
16444500, 14620000, 15701000, 14211000, 15243000, 13898000, 14889000,
18571000, 15950500, 20171000, 20096000, 19647000, 20394500, 18213000,
18714500, 18301000, 14581000, 12333000, 14482500, 17538500, 17480500,
19574000, 18464500, 19410000, 19013000, 16523500, 18755000, 18194000,
18918000, 34130500, 34421500, 36727000, 33406500, 34779500, 35916500,
36193000, 35878500, 32274500, 35097000, 34319500, 36459000, 35222500,
35972000, 37382000, 34482000, 35776000, 35330000, 35990000, 34788500,
32173500, 34879000, 33195500, 35243500, 33581000, 35632000, 32716000,
33966500, 31778000, 28164500, 25729500, 23034500, 24427500, 26506500,
26655500), tsp = c(1996.83333333333, 2024.25, 12), class = "ts")

Now that I have my time series data, I tried generating forecasts with the
following code:

ingresos_reservas_arimamod      = auto.arima(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_arimafor      = forecast(ingresos_reservas_arimamod, h =

ingresos_reservas_holtwintersmod = HoltWinters(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_holtwintersfor =
forecast(ingresos_reservas_holtwintersmod, h = 151)

ingresos_reservas_etsmod        = ets(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_etsfor        = forecast(ingresos_reservas_etsmod, level
= c(90,99), h = 151)

ingresos_reservas_batsmod       = bats(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_batsfor       = forecast(ingresos_reservas_batsmod, level
= c(90,99), h = 151, robust = TRUE)

ingresos_reservas_tbatsmod      = tbats(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_tbatsfor      = forecast(ingresos_reservas_tbatsmod,
level = c(90,99), h = 151, robust = TRUE)

ingresos_reservas_nnetarmod       = nnetar(ts_ingresos_reservas)
ingresos_reservas_nnetarfor       = forecast(ingresos_reservas_nnetarmod,
PI = TRUE, h = 151, robust = TRUE)

This code used to work, but now, I keep getting the following error:
Error in UseMethod("forecast", object) :
  no applicable method for 'forecast' applied to an object of class "ets"

Error in UseMethod("forecast", object) :
  no applicable method for 'forecast' applied to an object of class "nnetar"

Error in UseMethod("forecast", object) :
  no applicable method for 'forecast' applied to an object of class "bats"

Error in UseMethod("forecast", object) :
  no applicable method for 'forecast' applied to an object of class "bats"

It seems like the forecast function is not working for these models
anymore. Any idea of how to solve this issue?

Kind regards,


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