[R] Current version of R, 4.4.0 and patch to correct the bug fix related to the RStudio viewer pane on Windows systems

Vega, Ann (she/her/hers) Veg@@Ann @end|ng |rom ep@@gov
Thu May 16 13:39:42 CEST 2024

I help to coordinate the USEPA's R user group.  We have over 500 members and our security officer has required us to update to R version 4.4.0 because of the security vulnerability to versions prior.  However, we cannot download the patched version because it does not have a signed certificate and Microsoft Defender won't allow us to install it.

Most of our users rely on the RStudio viewer pane so we are in a bit of a quandary.  We suspect other government agencies are impacted by this as well.

Can you give me an estimated time for when another official version will be released with the patch included?  I may be able to ask our security officer to allow us to delay our install until that official version is released.  Alternatively, if the patched version could have a signed certificate, that would allow us to install it.

Thank you.

Ann Vega, PSPO
She/Her/Hers (Learn More<https://intranet.ord.epa.gov/dei/gender-pronouns>)
Office of Science Information Management, Data Architect
EPA Office of Research and Development
Cincinnati, OH

Mobile: 513-418-1922 - or reach out to me on Teams!
Hours:  Monday-Thursday, 7:30am - 6:00 pm, CDO:  Fridays
Email: vega.ann using epa.gov<mailto:vega.ann using epa.gov>

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