[R] help - Package: stats - function ar.ols

Pedro Gavronski. pgg@vron@k| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Feb 22 17:34:14 CET 2024


My name is Pedro and it is nice to meet you all. I am having trouble
understanding a message that I receive when use function ar.ols from
package stats, it says that "Warning message:
In ar.ols(x = dtb[2:6966, ], demean = FALSE, intercept = TRUE,
prewhite = TRUE) :
  model order:  2 singularities in the computation of the projection
matrix results are only valid up to model order 1, which I do not know
what it means, if someone could clarify it, I would really appreciate

Attached to this email you will find my code and data I used to run
this formula.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,  Pedro.

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