[R] Clustering of datasets
Subhamitra Patra
@ubh@m|tr@@p@tr@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Sep 5 13:31:00 CEST 2022
Dear all,
I am about to cluster my datasets by using K-mean clustering techniques in
R, but getting some type of scattered results. Herewith I pasted my code
below. Please suggest to me where I am lacking in my code. I was pasting my
data before applying the K-mean method as follows.
DMs<-read.table(text="Country DATA
IS -0.0092
BA -0.0235
HK -0.0239
JA -0.0333
KU -0.0022
OM -0.0963
QA -0.0706
SK -0.0322
SA -0.1233
SI -0.0141
TA -0.0142
UAE -0.0656
AUS -0.0230
BEL -0.0006
CYP -0.0085
CR -0.0398
DEN -0.0423
EST -0.0604
FIN -0.0227
FRA -0.0085
GER -0.0272
GrE -0.3519
ICE -0.0210
IRE -0.0057
LAT -0.0595
LITH -0.0451
LUXE -0.0023
MAL -0.0351
NETH -0.0048
NOR -0.0495
POL -0.0081
PORT -0.0044
SLOVA -0.1210
SLOVE -0.0031
SPA -0.0213
SWE -0.0106
SWIT -0.0152
UK -0.0030
HUNG -0.0086
CAN -0.0144
CHIL -0.0078
USA -0.0042
BERM -0.0035
AUST -0.0211
NEWZ -0.0538" ,
header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
plot(DMs[,2],col=k1$cluster,pch=19,xlim=c(1,46), ylim=c(-0.12,0))
legend(10,1,c("cluster 1: Highly Integrated","cluster 2: Less Integrated"),
*Best Regards,*
*Subhamitra Patra*
*Phd. Research Scholar*
*Department of Humanities and Social Sciences*
*Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur*
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