[R] Package "hse" has been REPLACED by package "dbd".

Rolf Turner r@turner @end|ng |rom @uck|@nd@@c@nz
Thu May 6 00:59:57 CEST 2021

On Mon, 3 May 2021 12:42:30 +1200
Abbs Spurdle <spurdle.a using gmail.com> wrote:

> Previously, I disliked some of R's names.
> e.g. Action of the Toes.
> But then later realized toes are really important.
> I don't want to disagree with a 'reviewer'.
> But I would say subtle references to literature and philosophy
> demonstrate 'depth'.

Well, I thought so too. :-)  OTOH I recognise that I have a tendency to
be flippant, and perhaps it is just as well to curb this tendency.

> Was your reviewer a member of the (A)merican (S)tatistical
> (S)ociety...? Who came up with that name...?

Isn't it called the 'American Statistical *Association*"?  (Presumably
just so as to avoid that unfortunate acronym.)

I of course have no idea who the (anonymous) reviewer is.

> It's all subjective really...

Or a matter of taste.  And (as my late older brother was fond of
saying) there is no accounting for taste, or the lack thereof. :-)



Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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