[R] rmarkdown and source call to R file.

Georgios gpd@be+r @end|ng |rom m@||box@org
Fri Jan 22 07:49:17 CET 2021

I'm new in R and this list.
I made a shiny app using R studio.
my files are:

All the files are on the same directory and helper.R is a file that
contains a lot of functions used in Report.Rmd and server.R

for some reason I cant call from Report.Rmd the file helper.R

My code in Report.Rmd is

   ## Summarize table
   ```{r, echo=FALSE}
   source("helper.R", local = knitr::knit_global())
If I use absolute path it works but since I want to upload it to 
https://www.shinyapps.io/ I must make it work with relative path.

The message I get is:

   processing file: Report.Rmd
                                        |  25%
     ordinary text without R code

                                        |  50%
   label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options) 
   List of 1
    $ echo: logi FALSE

   Quitting from lines 13-17 (Report.Rmd) 

   Warning: Error in file: cannot open the connection
     [No stack trace available]

The funny thing is that if I put the cursor inside "" at the beginning
and I press tab I get the option to choose helper.R. So Im guessing
that I'm on the right directory.
Any ideas what I'm missing?

I'm stuck on this lines of code 2 days now.
I would really appreciate
any ideas.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

ps. I tried all the combinations in Tools->Global Options-> "Evaluate
chunks in directory" with no luck.

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