[R] Help with clinical trials.gov AACT database
bharat rawlley
bh@r@t_m_@|| @end|ng |rom y@hoo@co@|n
Thu Aug 26 22:17:38 CEST 2021
Hello, I am trying to use R to access the clinicaltrials.gov AACT database to create a list of facility_investigators for a specific topic.
The following code is an example of how to get a list of all clinical trials on the topic TP53
aact = src_postgres(dbname = 'aact',
host = "aact-db.ctti-clinicaltrials.org",
user = 'aact',
password = 'aact')
study_tbl = tbl(src=aact, 'studies')
x = study_tbl %>% filter(official_title %like% '%TP53%') %>% collect()
Similarly, if I want a list of principal investigators,
aact = src_postgres(dbname = 'aact',
host = "aact-db.ctti-clinicaltrials.org",
user = 'aact',
password = 'aact')
study_tbl = tbl(src=aact, 'facility_investigators')
I am unable to make a list on only TP53 facility_investigators. Something like TP53 & facility_investigators. Any help would be appreciated
This is a link where some explanation is provided, but my problem is not resolved - http://www.cancerdatasci.org/post/2017/03/approaches-to-accessing-clinicaltrials.gov-data/
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