[R] openxlsx::read.xlsx can't read data without a header

John m|@ojpm @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 23 06:04:39 CEST 2020


   I try to read 6 rows (from 5th to 10th) from Excel, but I can always get
5. The first row of the 6 becomes the header. How can I add something like
"header = FALSE" in the formula, so that the resulting data would be all
the 6 rows? A similar problem occurs in readxl::read_xlsx. Thank you!

> temp <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(fl_trilem_sgko, sheet="Korea", rows=5:10,
cols=25,                skipEmptyRows = FALSE, na.strings = "NA")
> temp
1          0.09613981
2          0.16259886
3          0.07914472
4          0.10195485
5          0.07700853
> nrow(temp)
[1] 5


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