[R] [External] Re: unable to access index for repository...

Steven Yen @tyen @end|ng |rom ntu@edu@tw
Thu Oct 8 20:47:22 CEST 2020

Hmm. You raised an interesting point. Actually I am not having problems with aod per se—-it is just a supporting package I need while using old R. The essential package I need, maxLik, simply works better under R-3.0.3, for reason I do not understand—specifically the numerical gradients of the likelihood function are not evaluated as accurately in newer versions of R in my experience, which is why I continue to use R-3.0.3. Because I use this older version of R, naturally I need to install other supporting packages such as aod and AER. 
Certainly, I will install the zip file of the older version of maxLik to the latest R and see what happens. Thank you.

I will install the new maxLik in old R, and old maxLik in new R, and see what happens.

Sent from my iPhone
Beware: My autocorrect is crazy

> On Oct 9, 2020, at 2:17 AM, Richard M. Heiberger <rmh using temple.edu> wrote:
> I wonder if you are perhaps trying to solve the wrong problem.
> If you like what the older version of the aod package does, but not
> the current version,
> then I think the solution is to propose an option to the aod
> maintainer that would restore your
> preferred algorithm into the current version, and then use the current R.
> A less good, but possibly workable, option is to compile the old
> version of aod into the current R.
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 1:45 PM Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
>> All support on this list is voluntary, and support for old versions of R is not even necessarily on-topic here which is why you keep getting nudged to upgrade. Your "need" for support for an old version is definitely not "our" problem, so I suggest you start looking for a consultant if this issue is that important to you. Such is the nature of volunteer-developed open source software... so support your local experts.
>>> On October 8, 2020 10:22:54 AM PDT, Steven Yen <styen using ntu.edu.tw> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the help. I have a reason to continue with R-3.0.3. I used
>>> maxLik to estimate econometric models and some of them are better
>>> handled with R-3.0.3 (but not later)----a sad reality I do not like.
>>> Here is what I did. I downloaded
>>> https://cran-archive.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/3.0/aod_1.3.zip
>>> and installed the zip file, which worked in both RStudio and R (without
>>> RStudio).
>>> In RStudio, I go Tools -> Install packages -> Install from -> (Choose
>>> zip) -> (Browse to the zip file)
>>> IN R, I go Packages -> Install packages from local file(s) -> (Browse
>>> to
>>> the zip file)...

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