[R] survival anaylsis with tabulated data

Ergin Artun e@rtun2010 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 20 14:01:08 CEST 2020

  Dear R Friends,

I'm a medical doctor with some knowledge about statistic and programming.
I want to analysis and compare data of different countries with survival or
popEpi tools in R.
I couldn't able to make tables with one row for every people of countries
without illness. I can made a data table look like as:

country at.risk from0to1 sk zf from0to0
1 AFG 40363639 1 K F 0

I try to prepare for analysis with survtab_ag function of Epi package. When
I run
st <- survtab_ag(time ~ cuntry, data = xxxx, surv.type =
+                  surv.method = "lifetable",
+                  d = "from0to1")
I see just the error message:
Error in sort.int(x, na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing, ...) :
  'x' must be atomic

Can any body help me for preparing this kind tabulated data without surv()
to other survival functions?
Best regards from Turkey

Tanju Aktug

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