[R] Fwd: Error in setting the parameter values of k

Neha gupta neh@@bo|ogn@90 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Dec 29 16:59:11 CET 2020

Thank you for your response.

 Are you certain that k = 0 is a legitimate setting?

Since, the default value of k is 1, I wanted to search between the values
of 0 to 3.

Milne, Do you mean I have to provide both the lower and upper bounds
greater than 1 in order to get rid of this error?

On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 4:50 PM T. A. Milne <milneta using tuta.io> wrote:

> I am using mlr3 'fast nearest neighbor' leaner i.e. fnnIts parameter is
> 'k' which has a default value of 1. When I use tuningusing random search, I
> set the parameter of k as: lower= 0, upper=3But it gives an error
> messageError in self$assert(xs) :  Assertion on 'xs' failed: k: Element 1
> is not >= 1.I have tried different values but the error remains.Warm
> regards    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> I know absolutely nothing about the specific statistical tools being used
> here, but:
> In several nearest neighbor routines, the parameter k refers to the number
> of nearest neighbors to be considered (in some computation).  In that case,
> k must be at least 1, which is what the cited error message seems to be
> claiming.  Are you certain that k = 0 is a legitimate setting?
> - T. Arthur Milne

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