[R] Error with caret model

javed khan j@vedbtk111 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Dec 24 23:36:17 CET 2020

Greetings to everyone

I read online about this code:

m= glm (......)
 imp= rbind(importance, anova(m, type="2", test="LR"))$"LR Chisq")

but I am using caret:
model <- train(act_effort ~ ., data = tr,
                     method = "rpart",
                     tuneLength = 15,
                     metric = "RMSE",
                     trControl = ctrl)
And when I am using like the following,

m= glm (......)
 imp= rbind(importance, anova(model, type="2", test="LR"))$"LR Chisq")

It gives me the error:

Error in UseMethod("anova") :
  no applicable method for 'anova' applied to an object of class
"c('train', 'train.formula')"

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