[R] Help

s@rez@@i@vi@@ m@iii@g oii m@ii@um@@c@ir s@rez@@i@vi@@ m@iii@g oii m@ii@um@@c@ir
Thu Sep 19 16:06:23 CEST 2019


I' have just tried to submit a package to CRAN which has a Bioconductor
dependency. I import "GeneticsPed" in my package but
 when installing it, have this error:

ERROR: dependency 'GeneticsPed' is not available for package 'LRQMM'
        * removing 'C:/Users/.../LRQMM'.

or this check: 

I tried "biocViews " in description file with empty form, but not been

How can i solving this problem?


Sayyed Reza Alavian
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