[R] large number of scrollable histograms....

Enrico Schumann e@ @end|ng |rom enr|co@chum@nn@net
Tue Jan 22 15:09:07 CET 2019

>>>>> "akshay" == akshay kulkarni <akshay_e4 using hotmail.com> writes:

    akshay> dear members,

    akshay> I am a day trader based in INDIA. I use R for my research.

    akshay> I have about 200 vectors whose histograms I need to
    akshay> inspect. I have to compare them simultaneously.

    akshay> I know methods whereby you can plot multiple histograms on
    akshay> one screen. However, you can clearly view only 4 to 5
    akshay> histograms in one screen.

    akshay> Is there a way to construct a long list of all the 100
    akshay> histograms that can be scrollable (like you scroll up or
    akshay> down the R console) both downwards and upwards? Any package
    akshay> to that effect?

    akshay> I would be highly grateful, also, if you can offer any
    akshay> suggestions or "out of the box" ideas to simultaneously
    akshay> compare all the 100 histograms.

    akshay> very many thanks for your help and support..
    akshay> yours sincerely,

Just two thoughts:

1) You could plot all histograms into one pdf and
   scroll the PDF.

2) Do you need histograms? Boxplots for instance need
   less space (and if you sort the input data by
   median, say, they often help much better to see
   differences between samples); or use similar plots such
   as quartile plots
   (e.g. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/NMOF/vignettes/qTableEx.pdf ).

kind regards

Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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