[R] Consequent sorting

Jeff Reichman reichm@nj @ending from @bcglob@l@net
Mon Sep 24 00:18:07 CEST 2018

r-help Forum


I'm using the following code to sort the "right-hand side (rhs, consequent)
of the rules output from the arules packages, which works.  But what I'd
really like is the ability to subset my rules where the rhs = "some item


rules_info <-


    LHS = labels(lhs(rules)), 

    RHS = labels(rhs(rules)),          




rules_info[ order(rules_info$RHS=), ]


For example using my code above I'm able to sort as follow's


179  {Cereals,Eggs,Tomatoes,Vinegar}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1

184           {Eggs,Milk,Pork,Sugar}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1

189        {Eggs,Milk,Pork,Tomatoes}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1

1                                 {}  {Cereals} 0.2857143  0.2857143
1.0000000     2

8                          {Vinegar}  {Cereals} 0.1428571  1.0000000
3.5000000     1

15                        {Tomatoes}  {Cereals} 0.1428571  0.5000000
1.7500000     1

17                            {Eggs}  {Cereals} 0.2857143  0.3333333
1.1666667     2


But what I'd really like to do is just get (say) {Bread} like .


                                 LHS        RHS   support confidence
lift count

179  {Cereals,Eggs,Tomatoes,Vinegar}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1

184           {Eggs,Milk,Pork,Sugar}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1

189        {Eggs,Milk,Pork,Tomatoes}    {Bread} 0.1428571  1.0000000
1.1666667     1


Jeff Reichman


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