[R] How to adjust the regression script R/Rstudio?
Fabiano França
f@bi@no@fr@nc@d@ @ending from hotm@il@com
Sun Sep 23 06:26:06 CEST 2018
Dear, how to set up the equation of the straight line and the R ^ 2, remove the bars of the chart area and the caption to the right?
Follow the attached file containing the data. We used the R version 3.4.4.
setwd("C:\\Users\\Fabiano\\Desktop\\Artigo OE")
dados <- read.table('IVCM.txt', header =T)
lm_labels <- function(dados) {
mod <- lm(IVCM ~ Doses, data=dados)
formula <- sprintf("italic(y) == %.2f %+.2f * italic(x)",
round(coef(mod)[1], 2), round(coef(mod)[2], 2))
r <- cor(dados$Doses, dados$IVCM)
r2 <- sprintf("italic(R^2) == %.2f", r^2)
data.frame(formula=formula, r2=r2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
library(plyr) # For the ddply() function
labels <- ddply(dados, "Fungicidas", lm_labels)
f_labels <- data.frame(Fungicidas = c("Água", "Frowncide", "Cravo", "Canela", "Capim-Limão", "Tomilho"), label = c("H2O", "F500SC", "cv", "Can", "CL", "Tom"))
p <- ggplot(dados, aes(x=Doses, y=IVCM, add = "reg.line", conf.int = TRUE, parse = TRUE)) +
geom_point(size = .5) +
facet_wrap(~ Fungicidas) +
stat_smooth(aes(colour = Fungicidas), add = "loess", method = "lm", formula = y ~ x) +
geom_text(x=0.6, y=9.5, size = 3, aes(label=formula), data=labels, parse=TRUE, hjust=0) +
geom_text(x=0.6, y=9, size = 3, aes(label=r2), data=labels, parse=TRUE, hjust=0) +
Best regards,
Fabiano França da Silva
Doutorando em Fitotecnia - ESALQ/USP
MSc Fitotecnia - UFLA
Engº. Agrônomo - UFLA
(35) 9 9155-5443 TIM
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