[R] How can I create a loop for this? Please help me

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 5 17:42:24 CEST 2018

Two things:

1. As your query is about spatial data, you may do better posting (in plain
text, **not** html, which often gets mangled on these plain text lists) on
the r-sig-geo  list.

2. These lists can help, but do not replace, your obligation to do your own
homework. There are many good R tutorials on the web that you can look to
for help. Some recommendations, by no means all that you may wish to check,
can be found here:


There are also both tutorials and "Vignettes" (the latter in the packages
themselves) specifically for spatial data analysis and visualization.
Searching on "R tutorial spatial data" brought up several.


Bert Gunter

"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 8:12 AM Ivy Pieters <icwpieters using gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey there,
> I am very much a newbie in the R world. I have to work with R for my
> internship. I really hope that someone can help me out here, since it costs
> me ages to run and adjust the same script over and over again.
> I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame table (sent2field2 using data) that I would
> like to split into different SpatialPointsDataFrame tables. The first table
> needs to consist out of [1:13] columns, the second table needs to consist
> of [,c(1,14:25)] the third needs to consist of [,c(1,26:37)]. The name of
> the tables need to be Sent2Field2_1, Sent2Field2_2, Sent2Field2_3, etc etc…
> So only 1,2,3,4 etc need to change within the name. This loop needs to go
> on until there are no columns left anymore in the dataset. Then the next
> step needs to add coordinates to the table (see script below). The name of
> the tables need to be Sent2F2_1, Sent2F2_2, Sent2F2_3, etc etc… So only
> 1,2,3,4 etc need to change within the name. The last step projects the
> table with the added coordinates into a SpatialPointsDataFrame. See the
> script below: (up to now I am adjusting the names manually and running it
> time after time, i am getting crazy, but I really don’t know how to make a
> loop) For now the separate steps are working fine. I really hope someone
> can help me out. Looking forward to anyones reply. Thank you already in
> advance.
> #field2
> Sent2Field2_1<-Sent2Field2 using data[,1:13]
> Sent2F2_1<-cbind(CoordsSent2_F2,Sent2Field2_1)
> coordinates(Sent2F2_1) <- ~long+lat
> Sent2Field2_2<-Sent2Field2 using data[,c(1,14:25)]
> Sent2F2_2<-cbind(CoordsSent2_F2,Sent2Field2_2)
> coordinates(Sent2F2_2) <- ~long+lat
> Sent2Field2_3<-Sent2Field2 using data[,c(1,26:37)]
> Sent2F2_3<-cbind(CoordsSent2_F2,Sent2Field2_3)
> coordinates(Sent2F2_3) <- ~long+lat
> Sent2Field2_4<-Sent2Field2 using data[,c(1,38:49)]
> Sent2F2_4<-cbind(CoordsSent2_F2,Sent2Field2_4)
> coordinates(Sent2F2_4) <- ~long+lat
> Sent2Field2_5<-Sent2Field2 using data[,c(1,50:61)]
> Sent2F2_5<-cbind(CoordsSent2_F2,Sent2Field2_5)
> coordinates(Sent2F2_5) <- ~long+lat
> etc
> etc
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