[R] Perspective Plotting - 3D Plotting in R

Thanh Tran m@@ternh@ttt @ending from gm@il@com
Mon Nov 26 13:13:03 CET 2018

Dear all,

I'm trying to plot a surface over the x-y plane. In my data, the response
is KIC, and four factors are AC, AV, T, and Temp. A typical second-degree
response modeling is as follows

> data<-read.csv("2.csv", header =T)

> mod <- lm(KIC~AC+I(AC^2)+AV+I(AV^2)+T+I(T^2)+Temp+I(Temp^2)+AC:AV+AC:T+AC:Temp+AV:T+AV:Temp+T:Temp,

+ data = data)

I want to have a response surface of KIC with two factors, i.e., AC and AV
as shown in the attached figure.

When I run the below code, I have a problem which indicates “object 'AC'
not found” even though I added “data = data”

> persp(AC,AV,KIC~ AC + I(AC^2) + AV + I(AV^2) + AC:AV,image = TRUE,theta=30,

+ data = data)

Error in persp(AC, AV, KIC ~ AC + I(AC^2) + AV + I(AV^2) + AC:AV,
image = TRUE,  :

  object 'AC' not found

If anyone has any experience about what would be the reason for error or
how I can solve it? Is there other simple function to plot the response

I really appreciate your support and help.

Best regards,

Nhat Tran

Ps: I also added a CSV file for practicing R.

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