[R] draw borders of bars inside of the rectangles in a barplot

Martin Batholdy b@tholdy @ending from googlem@il@com
Mon May 21 16:59:02 CEST 2018

Dear R-users,

I want to draw a barplot with beside=TRUE.
One halve of the bars are drawn with a border, while the other halve are drawn without a border (i.e. filled bars vs. non-filled bars next to each other).

Because borders are drawn around the bars, doing this leads to one halve of the bars being wider than the other halve, expanding across the 0-point of the y-axis.
This problem emerges especially with small figures and rather large border width.

Now my question:
Is there a way to draw the border inside of the bars instead of surrounding the bars? (similar to border-drawing options in graphics software, like photoshop or inkscape).

Here some example code:

x <- matrix(c(1:10), 2,5)
par(lwd = 5) 
barplot(x, beside=T, border=rep(c(NA, 'black'),5), space=c(0.08,1), col=rep(c('black', 'white'),5))

Thank you!

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