[R] Seasonal weekly average
Shakeel Suleman
Sh@keel@Sulem@n @ending from phe@gov@uk
Wed May 9 08:37:43 CEST 2018
I am fairly new to 'R' and would like advice on the following. I want to calculate a weekly average number of reports (e.g. of flu, norovirus) based on the same weeks for the last five years. I will then use this to plot a chart with 52 points for the average based on the last five years; another line will then plot the current year, enabling a comparison of current weekly counts against a five year average for the same week. I would like some advice on how this can be done in 'R' . My data is disaggregated data - with dates in the format in 01/01/2018.
Shakeel Suleman
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