[R] Calculating frequencies of multiple values in 200 colomns

Allaisone 1 allaisone1 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 9 20:44:15 CET 2017

Hi All

I have a dataset of 200 columns and 1000 rows , there are 3 repeated values under each column (7,8,10). I wanted to calculate the frequency of each value under each column and then apply the function maf () given that the frequency of each value is known. I can do the analysis step by step like this :-

> Values

         A       B       C       ... 200

1      7       10      7

2      7       8        7

3      10     8        7

4       8      7         10





For column A : I calculate the frequency for the 3 values as follows :

 count7 <- length(which(Values$A == 7))

count8 <- length(which(Values$A == 8))

count10 <- length(which(Values$A == 10))

count7 = 2, count8 = 1 , count10= 1.

Then, I create a vector  and type the frequencies manually :

 Freq<- c( count7=2  ,count8= 1,count10=1)

Then I apply the function maf ()  :-


This gives me the result I need for column A , could you please help me

to perform the analysis for all of the 200 columns at once ?



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