[R] [R-pkgs] Release of ess 0.0.1

Jorge Cimentada cimentadaj at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 00:02:53 CET 2017

Dear CRANers!

I'm happy to announce the release of ess 0.0.1 a package designed to
download data from the European Social Survey
<http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/> directly into R as easily as
possible. It has a few helper functions to download rounds/waves, rounds
for a selected country and to show which rounds/countries are available.

This is an exciting moment for the release considering that just last week
the ESS released it's 8th round, which is already available in the package.
You can checkout some brief examples here
<https://twitter.com/cimentadaj/status/928394896700051461> or a more
detailed description in the vignette
and improvements can be issued in the Github repository
<https://github.com/cimentadaj/ess>. This is the first release and I'm sure
there's a lot of room for improvement.


Jorge Cimentada
*https://cimentadaj.github.io/ <https://cimentadaj.github.io/>*

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