[R] R-3.4.2: make check stops at line 698 of tests/reg-tests-1d.R

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 17:40:48 CET 2017

On 01/11/2017 12:02 PM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
> Dear Duncan,
> Many thanks!
> Am Mi, 1. Nov 2017, um 16:17, schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
>> On 01/11/2017 8:11 AM, Albrecht Kauffmann wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> after compiling R-3.4.2 on opensuse leap 42.3, make check failed. Until
>>> R-3.4.1 I never had a problem with these tests. No, the programm stops
>>> at the following line of tests/reg-tests-1d.R:
>>>> ## available.packages() (not) caching in case of errors
>>>> tools::assertWarning(ap1 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar"))
>>>> tools::assertWarning(ap2 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar"))
>>>       error in assertCondition(expr, "warning",
>>>      .exprString = d.expr) :  Got simpleError evaluating of ap2 <-
>>>      available.packages(repo  ...: wanted warning
>>> The error message is a result of:      ap2 <- available.packages(repos =
>>> "http://foo.bar"),
>>> not of the following condition in the test script:   stopifnot(nrow(ap1)
>>> == 0, identical(ap1, ap2))  .
>> What error message did you see?
> after: R --vanilla <../R-3.4.2/tests/reg-tests-1d.R

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I meant to ask what error message you get if you 
run the command that's supposed to generate a warning, i.e. run the code

ap1 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar")
ap2 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar")

and you'll likely see a warning on the first line, and an error on the 
second.  The text of that error may be informative.

Duncan Murdoch

> I get
> ...
>> ## available.packages() (not) caching in case of errors
>> tools::assertWarning(ap1 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar"))
>> tools::assertWarning(ap2 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar"))
>     Error in assertCondition(expr, "warning", .exprString = d.expr) :
>       Got simpleError during evaluating of ap2 <- available.packages(repo
>        ...: wanted warning
>       Calls: <Anonymous> -> assertCondition
>       Evaluation stopped
>>> ap1 <- available.packages(repos = "http://foo.bar") works well, but the
>>> following line stops the program.
>>> After replacing "http://foo.bar" by "http://foo.poi" (every phrase
>>> different from "bar" works well), reg-test-1d.R passed without error
>>> message the interpreter.
>>> Has someone an idea why the original program code stops (only) at line
>>> 698:
>>> tools::assertWarning(ap2 <- available.packages(repos =
>>> "http://foo.bar"))?
>> Perhaps your system is resolving foo.bar to a web address.  If I use a
>> URL for a web page that doesn't have a repository, I still get a
>> warning, but the text of the error may explain why you don't.
> There was a message, maybe a warning, but I don't understand it. Now I
> installed R-3.4.2 also on another PC; there it works fine. Do you have
> an idea, what went wrong here?
> Albrecht Kauffmann
>> Duncan Murdoch

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