[R] deviance in GLM vs. summary.glm
array chip
arrayprofile at yahoo.com
Wed May 31 06:53:25 CEST 2017
Hi, I am running a logistic regression on a simple dataset (attached) using glm:
> dat<-read.table("dat.txt",sep='\t',header=T)
If I use summary() on a logistic model:
> summary(glm(y~x1*x2,dat,family='binomial'))
Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)(Intercept) 19.57 5377.01 0.004 0.997x1 -18.59 5377.01 -0.003 0.997x2B -19.57 5377.01 -0.004 0.997x1:x2B 38.15 7604.24 0.005 0.996
As you can see, the interaction term is very insignificant (p = 0.996)!
But if I use a anova() to compare a full vs reduced model to evaluate the interaction term:
> anova(glm(y~x1+x2,dat,family='binomial'), glm(y~x1*x2,dat,family='binomial'))Analysis of Deviance Table
Model 1: y ~ x1 + x2Model 2: y ~ x1 * x2 Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance1 22 27.067 2 21 21.209 1 5.8579
This follows a chi-square distribution with 1 df, so the corresponding p value is:
> 1-pchisq(5.8679,1)[1] 0.01541944
So I get very different p value on the interaction term, can someone share what's going wrong here?
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