[R] Need class/object type advice to store a particular data structure

Ismail SEZEN sezenismail at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 18:42:35 CET 2017

Hello Everyone,

I have a particular data structure and need your advice what would be the best class/object type to store this kind of a data.

In summary, data is consist of a time series of vertical observations of more than one variables. Observations are made at a particular latitude/longitude location.  Hence, I may have observation locations more than one. 

In detail, imagine a list of data.frames and each data.frame contains 7 columns and variable number of rows. Rows represent the vertical coordinate meaning height from surface. Columns are observed variables. Each list of data.frame is belong to a single measurement location that has a latitude and longitude.

So, this is a time series of data.frames but number of rows might change. Is there a class to store this kind of data, for instance, such as SpatialPoints, SPatialPointsDataFrame or RasterStack or Raster object?

I’m asking this question, because I want to take advantage of a ready class for statistical calculations.

Thanks in advance;

Ismail SEZEN

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