[R] Output formatting in PDF

Enrico Schumann es at enricoschumann.net
Tue Oct 11 10:59:59 CEST 2016

On Tue, 11 Oct 2016, Preetam Pal <lordpreetam at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Can you please help me with the following output formatting:
> I am planning to include 2 plots and some general description in a one-page
> PDF document, such that
>    - I'll leave some appropriate margin on the PDF- say, 1.5 inches
>    top,right, bottom and left (will decide based on overall appearance)
>    - the 2 plots are placed side-by-side (looks best for comparison)
>    - the margins for each plot can be 4 lines on the top and the bottom &
>     2 lines on the left and the right
>    - each of these 2 plots would have time (0 to 260) along x-axis and two
>    time-series (daily USD-GBP and USD-EUR FX rates) on the y-axis, i.e. 2
>    time-series would be plotted on each of the 2 graphs. I would need a
>    different color for each plot to demarcate them
>    - I need to add some text (eg: "Independent analysis of Exchange Rate
>    dynamics") with reduced font size (not high priority though-just good to
>    have a different size)
>    - The general discussion (may be a paragraph) would come right below the
>    2 plots - I can specify this text as an argument in a function, may be. I
>    am not sure how to arrange the entire PDF as per the format I mentioned
>    above
> I shall really appreciate any help with this - the time series analysis is
> not difficult, I can manage that - however, I don't know how to manage the
> formatting part though, so that the 1-pager output looks decently
> presentable. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Preetam

If using LaTeX is an option, I would suggest
?Sweave. There are many tutorials on the web that
should get you started.

Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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