[R] svymean using the survey package - strata containing no subpopulation members
Muhuri, Pradip (AHRQ/CFACT)
Pradip.Muhuri at ahrq.hhs.gov
Thu Jun 23 03:32:40 CEST 2016
Below is a reproducible example that produces the estimate of "totexp13" (total health care expenditure 2013) for the subpopulation that includes "Asians with diabetes diagnosed" in MEPS. The R script below downloads file from the web for processing.
Issue/Question: The R/survey package does not seem to provide a NOTE regarding the number of strata containing NO SUBOPOPULATION MEMBERS (in this case - Asians with diabetes diagnosed in MEPS 2013). Is there a way to get this count or ask R to provide this information? Any hints will be appreciated.
Acknowledgements: The current R script is a tweaked-version of the code originally sent (on this forum) by Anthony Damico for another application. Thanks to Anthony!
Good news: The estimate is almost the same as the estimates obtained from SAS, SUDAAN and STATA runs.
Additional Information: STATA provides a NOTE that " 84 strata omitted because no subpopulation members".
SAS LOG (proc surveymeans) provides a NOTE that "Only one cluster in a stratum in domain Asian_with_diab for variable(s) TOTEXP13. The estimate of variance for TOTEXP13 will
omit this stratum".
Pradip Muhuri
tf <- tempfile()
download.file( "https://meps.ahrq.gov/mepsweb/data_files/pufs/h163ssp.zip", tf , mode = 'wb' )
z <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
x <- read.xport( z )
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
mydata <- select(x, varstr, varpsu, perwt13f, diabdx, totexp13, racethx)
mydata[mydata <=0] <- NA
design <- svydesign(id=~varpsu,strat=~varstr, weights=~perwt13f, data=x, nest=TRUE)
# include missings as "No" values here
#design <-
# update(design,
# xbpchek53 = ifelse(bpchek53 ==1,'yes','no or missing'),
# xcholck53 = ifelse(cholck53 ==1, 'yes','no or missing')
# get the estimate for "totexp13" for the subset that includes Asians with diabetes diagnosed
svymean(~ totexp13, subset(design, racethx==4 & diabdx==1))
Pradip K. Muhuri, AHRQ/CFACT
5600 Fishers Lane # 7N142A, Rockville, MD 20857
Tel: 301-427-1564
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