[R] receiving Error: unexpected '='

KMNanus kmnanus at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 00:08:56 CET 2016

I’m a newbie and trying to execute this simple function in order to change wk 5 NA’s to wk 4 values for the dataset (ken) below.  Can someone pls tell me what I’m doing wrong?  The error msg is “"rror: unexpected input in "new_week <- function(x,y) { “
Even the “E” is missing in the word “Error."

new_week <- function(x,y) {
if x[is.na(x)] {
x = y

patient	wk1	wk2	wk3	wk4	wk5
A	1	2	4	6	8
B	2	3	NA	3	17
C	3	4	5	11	NA
D	4	NA	6	12	11
E	5	6	7	NA	21
F	6	7	8	3	NA
G	7	8	9	7	NA

kmnanus at gmail.com
914-450-0816 (tel)
347-730-4813 (fax)

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