[R] Post-hoc tests on Split-plot design
msnewaz at lakeheadu.ca
Wed May 13 21:24:27 CEST 2015
Hi Richard,
Thank you very much for your cooperation. I installed the packages "HH" and
run the following model:
> summary(Bud.aov)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F
value Pr(>F)
CO2 1 1465.2 1465.2
109.612 < 2e-16 ***
SoilTemp 1 238.0 238.0
17.805 3.60e-05 ***
CO2:SoilTemp 1 145.7 145.7
10.900 0.001125 **
Photoperiod 2 986.9 493.4
36.914 1.62e-14 ***
CO2:Photoperiod 2 0.2 0.1
0.006 0.994095
SoilTemp:Photoperiod 2 14.6 7.3
0.545 0.580893
CO2:SoilTemp:Photoperiod 2 186.3 93.2 6.969
0.001167 **
Greenhouse 2 75.5 37.8
2.824 0.061538 .
SoilTemp:Greenhouse 2 5.9 3.0
0.221 0.801896
Photoperiod:Greenhouse 4 283.4 70.8 5.300
0.000433 ***
SoilTemp:Photoperiod:Greenhouse 4 56.7 14.2 1.060
Residuals 216 2887.3 13.4
The results don't look like the results for the split-plot design which I
got using the model below:
> summary(mod)
Error: Greenhouse
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
CO2 1 1465.2 1465.2 38.81 0.0248 *
Residuals 2 75.5 37.8
Error: Greenhouse:SoilTemp
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
SoilTemp 1 238.00 238.00 80.57 0.0122 *
CO2:SoilTemp 1 145.70 145.70 49.32 0.0197 *
Residuals 2 5.91 2.95
Error: Greenhouse:Photoperiod
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Photoperiod 2 986.9 493.4 6.965 0.0498 *
CO2:Photoperiod 2 0.2 0.1 0.001 0.9989
Residuals 4 283.4 70.8
Error: Greenhouse:SoilTemp:Photoperiod
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
SoilTemp:Photoperiod 2 14.56 7.28 0.514 0.6330
CO2:SoilTemp:Photoperiod 2 186.31 93.15 6.576 0.0544 .
Residuals 4 56.67 14.17
Error: Within
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 216 2887 13.37
The F and P values are quite different. Moreover, I could not run the
post-hoc tests as well. At this stage I shall highly appreciate your further
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