[R] Clarification on Simulation and Iteration

Christopher Kelvin chris_kelvin2001 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 1 03:36:12 CEST 2015

Dear All,
I am performing some simulations for a new model. I run about 10,000 iterations with a sample of 50 datasets and this returns one set of 50 simulated data. 

Now, what I need to obtain is 10 sets of the 50 simulated data out of the 10,000 iterations and not just only 1 set.  The model is the Copas selection model for publication bias in Mete-analysis. Any one who knows this model has any suggestion for the improvement of my code is most welcome.

Below is my code. 

Kind regards

Chris Guure
University of Ghana


rho1=-0.3; tua=0.020; n=50; d=-0.2; rr=10000; a=-1.3; b=0.06 
si<-rtnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1, lower=0, upper=0.2)# I used this to generate standard errors for each study 
set.seed(21111)   ## I have stored the data and the output in this seed 

for( i in 1:rr){ 

mu<-rnorm(n,d,tua^2)              # prob. of each effect estimate 
rho<-si*rho1/sqrt(tua^2 + si^2) # estimate of the correlation coefficient 
mu0<- a + b/si       # mean of the truncated normal model (Copas selection model) 
y1<-rnorm(mu,si^2)            # observed effects zise 
z<-rnorm(mu0,1)               # selection model 
rho2<-cor(y1, z) 

select<-pnorm((mu0 + rho*(y1-mu)/sqrt(tua^2 + si^2))/sqrt(1-rho^2)) 
probselect<-ifelse(select<z, y1, NA)# the prob that the study is selected 

data<-data.frame(probselect,si)    # this contains both include and exclude data 
data1<-data[complete.cases(data),] # Contains only the included data for analysis 


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