[R] Extra documentation not appearing

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 13:32:17 CEST 2014

On 24/10/2014, 11:31 AM, Dan Vatnik wrote:
> Hi,
> I have loaded my first package to CRAN and I have noticed a documentation
> issue.
> When I install the package from CRAN, it installs a Windows binary since I
> am using a Windows machine.
> I have a PDF file in my doc folder. Originally, it was in the inst/doc/
> folder but when I load the binary, there
> is no more inst folder so the doc folder is directly in the package folder.
> The issue arises in my package's index page. It has a link to the
> DESCRIPTION file and it has a link to the
> Extra documentation section on top. The link to the Extra documentation
> does not lead anywhere so my PDF
> is inaccessible.
> My package is named "traj".
> Do you know what might be the issue?

This is a bug in the R help system.  Since you don't have any vignettes
in that package, it doesn't produce the index page that links to it.

There are two workarounds:  make your extra documentation file into a
vignette (one way is to rename the source from *.tex (I assume) to
*.Rnw, and add a %\VignetteIndexEntry line), and avoid the bug.
Alternatively, include your own inst/doc/index.html file to link to it.

I will fix the bug so that a directory listing is shown that includes
your file, but it won't make it into the upcoming 3.1.2 release.  It
will make it into 3.1.3, but that likely won't appear before the spring.
But even with this change, I still recommend changing your document to a
vignette.  They get a display with a title, unlike unknown files in

Duncan Murdoch

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