[R] Extra documentation not appearing

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 11:56:21 CEST 2014

On 24/10/2014, 11:31 AM, Dan Vatnik wrote:
> Hi,
> I have loaded my first package to CRAN and I have noticed a documentation
> issue.
> When I install the package from CRAN, it installs a Windows binary since I
> am using a Windows machine.
> I have a PDF file in my doc folder. Originally, it was in the inst/doc/
> folder but when I load the binary, there
> is no more inst folder so the doc folder is directly in the package folder.
> The issue arises in my package's index page. It has a link to the
> DESCRIPTION file and it has a link to the
> Extra documentation section on top. The link to the Extra documentation
> does not lead anywhere so my PDF
> is inaccessible.
> My package is named "traj".
> Do you know what might be the issue?

Looks like a bug in R's help server.  If you look at the Extra
documentation link, you'll see something like this:

That link gives a blank page.  If you manually take away the index.html
part and give this:

it works fine.  I'll take a look into this.

Duncan Murdoch

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