[R] seeking latex peace

Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Mon May 26 11:05:14 CEST 2014

It's not a TeX issue veven, it's a Fedore issue :-)-O

pdflatex is standard in all (most) TeX distributions.

TeXLive is probably the standard TeX distribution for Linux, it has
a Windoze version and a MacTeX version (or rather two, a complete
and a basic).  I have used both on Linux and the Mac respectively
for many years.

It is upgraded every year completely and in the interval you can use
the TeX Live Manager to update packages and to install missing ones.

It is currently frozen and the new version is supposed to come out
on 2014-07-01.

That said, while some Linux package managers for some Linux
distributions are very up-to-date, most are not.


On 2014-05-25, 11:17 , Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi all, I realize that this is not an R question, but in
> attempting to build a new version of a package, I have encountered
> the error:
> Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean, quiet =
> quiet, : pdflatex is not available
> As I could not find any way to install pdflatex (it didn't appear
> on a yum search), I tried a method that claimed to install
> pdflatex via a package named "texlive".  Almost 300 packages later
> and minus over 300 Mb of disk space, I then got the error:
> ! LaTeX Error: File `zi4.sty' not found.
> This seems to be an updated version of the "inconsolata.sty" error
> that used to torment me (and after reading a lot of messages about
> this, many other people as well), so I found the file "zi4.sty"
> and copied it into what I thought was the appropriate directory.
> It seems to be, as I now get the error:
> ! LaTeX Error: File `upquote.sty' not found.
> At this point, I wonder if someone would be kind enough to inform
> me whether this is a potentially infinite task of finding ".sty"
> files, in which case I will live without them, or if there is an
> easier method of satisfying the apparently immense appetite of
> LaTeX? Thanks.
> R-3.1.0
> Fedora 19
> Jim

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