[R] Making a trial based Package for 30-days.
Helios de Rosario
helios.derosario at ibv.upv.es
Mon May 12 13:01:57 CEST 2014
I guess you could write some instructions in the "configure" file
("configure.win" for windows) at the root level of the package
subdirectory, to create a scheduled task to uninstall and delete the
package after a fixed period. That script would normally execute at the
moment of installation. See "Package structure" in "Writing R
Yes, easy to hack. But R is free software, so that's what you should
normally expect for any mechanism. In any event, I suppose that you
don't want a "trial-based" package for your own use alone, but you want
to distribute it. And if you want to distribute it by mainstream
repositories (e.g. CRAN), you should publish the source anyway, and
won't be allowed to include such "malicious" mechanisms.
Helios De Rosario
>>> El día 12/05/2014 a las 11:31, Ashis Deb <ashisdeb83 at gmail.com>
> Hi all ,
> I have a GUI package , which I want to make
> work for a certain period,say‑30days ,after which it should be
> destructive .
> Could it be possible ??
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