[R] sort order of a character sequence is different on windose and linux (linux result)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 13:33:24 CEST 2014

On 06/07/2014, 7:19 AM, Witold E Wolski wrote:
> It seems that the package I am developing depends on the locale "C"
> because of interactions with other packages (data.table).
> So I would like to set the locale to "C" as soon as the package is loaded.
> Where can I do it .. I could of course set it in every function in my
> package but...

As the help page says, you can't do it reliably on all platforms, and
you really shouldn't even try:  that will affect other things that the
user does.

You will need to find another solution to your problem.

Duncan Murdoch

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