[R] Compilation fails for package 'BayesTree' on R 3.0.1 for Windows

Michael Dewey info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Jul 3 15:39:41 CEST 2014

At 08:04 03/07/2014, Javier wrote:
>Hello, I am trying to install package BayesTree on R 3.0.1 for Windows, but
>I am getting a compilation error: "compilation failed for package
>Here is what I am doing:
>I installed Rstudio for windows from binary file.
>On Rstudio, I go to Tools->Install Packages.
>I select 'Install from Package archive file: BayesTree_0.3-1.tar.gz
>(previously I had downloaded the archived package file
>BayesTree_0.3-1.tar.gz from
>http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/BayesTree/ archive.)

That is the source.
Have you installed the tools you need to compile it? The Installation 
and Admin manual tells you about it.

>Why am I trying to install archived BayesTree package on old R 3.0.1?
>I was asked to take over a project using BayesTree package. The project
>used to work fine, until R 3.1.0 recently came out. Apparently BayesTree
>package was removed in R 3.1.0 from the CRAN repository, because "memory
>access errors were not corrected".(
>http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/BayesTree/index.html). My
>understanding is that I need to install BayesTree package, because it is
>used by the project. So, I made a clean install of R 3.0.1 and tried to
>install BayesTree from the archive file.
>I would appreciate very much any help or advice on how I may be able get to
>work again this R project requiring BayesTree package. I am new to R and
>the error message I am getting does not provide much insight on how to
>solve the problem, so I have no clue what to do.
>Thank you in advance for any help,
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Michael Dewey
info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk

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