[R] plot in generalized additive model (GAM)

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Jul 2 16:41:21 CEST 2014

On Jul 2, 2014, at 1:25 AM, agostinodiciaula at tiscali.it wrote:

> Sorry for my unclear request and description
> I performed:
> x.gam <- gam(mortality ~ s(PM10) + (Tmax) + (umidity), data = data, family = quasipoisson)
> plot(x.gam, page =1)
> the plot showed on the left axis "sPM10,3.07".
> How can I have "Log relative risk" ?

You just want to change the axis label? Then add this to the plot call:

ylab="Log Relative Hazard"

Again, you have not told us anything about the data, so we remain unable to say whether the results corresponds to that label change, but with a quasipoisson link one might expect a logged estimate of <something>.


> thanks again for your kind help
> agostino
> Il 02.07.2014 08:42 David Winsemius ha scritto:
>> On Jul 1, 2014, at 11:33 PM, agostinodiciaula at tiscali.itwrote:
>>> Dear David, many thanks for your reply. The aim was to evaluate the relationship between daily mortality (variable "mortality") and mean daily values of PM10 levels (variable "PM10") in a specific geographic area, considering the effect of meteorological confounders (temperature, umidity). I used the following model (mgcv package): gam(mortality ~ (PM10) + (Tmax) + (umidity), data = data, family = quasipoisson) the question is: how can I obtain a plot of log-relative risk of daily mortality vs. PM10 levels? regards
>> Still rather unclear what the problem is. I see no error message in your question. Are you asking how to assign a model to a name and then call the plot method?
>> mdlAgostino
>> Il 02.07.2014 01:50 David Winsemius ha scritto:
>>> On Jul 1, 2014, at 12:02 AM, adc wrote:
>>>> I performed the following GAM by the MGCV package:
>>> I think it's actually spelled in all lower case.
>>>> gam(mortality ~ (PM10) + (Tmax) + (umidity), data = data, family = quasipoisson) How can I obtain a plot of Log-relative risk of mortality vs. PM10 ? thanks
>>> Shouldn't we need to know more details about the experimental setup to answer that question? And what sort of comparisons you are requesting? And about what parts of ?mgcv::plot.gam you need further explanations to answer the question?
>>>> agostino
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> David Winsemius Alameda, CA, USA
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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