[R] edit.data() read-only?

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at wlandres.net
Tue Mar 26 11:09:01 CET 2013

Greetings All.

The function edit.data() allows a convenient spreadsheet-like
view of a dataframe with too many rows/columns to fit on the
screen (especially when there are many columns). Very useful
when scanning through a dataset (row & column are conveniently
identified by the labels at the side and above).

However, there seens to be no option to set it "read-only" on
start-up, with the consequence that a clumsy key-press or
mouse-click could cause a change in the data which would then
be stored after quitting edit.data().

Is there a possibility of a read-only option? Or some other
function which could offer similar viewing capability without
the risk of data change?

With thanks,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at wlandres.net>
Date: 26-Mar-2013  Time: 10:08:58
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