[R] Running 32 bits code from within R 64 bits

Nuno Prista nmprista at ipma.pt
Tue Mar 12 21:18:46 CET 2013

Dear R colleagues,

Is there any code I can use that allows an R 64bits to automatically run 
code on an adjoining 32bits version?

Specifically, I am using the "RODBC" package on a 64 bits version and 
have a separate installation of R 32bits. I would like to automate data 
extraction from Microsoft Access and Excel [for which RODBC seems to 
require R 32 bits] from within my 64 bits version.

Thank you in advance,

Nuno Prista
Programa de Amostragem a Bordo (PNAB/DCF)
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P.
Telef: +351 21 302 70 00 (ext. 1385)

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