[R] Linear Model with Discrete Data

Lorenzo Isella lorenzo.isella at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 22:49:21 CEST 2013

Dear All,
I am struggling with a linear model and an allegedly trivial data set.
The data set does not consist of categorical variables, but rather of  
numerical discrete variables (essentially, they count the number of times  
that something happened).
Can I still use a standard linear regression, i.e. something like lm(y~x)?
I attach a small snippet that illustrates the difficulties that I am  
experiencing (I do not understand why R complains about a list()).
Any suggestion is appreciated.
The data file can be downloaded from





data <- read.csv("testData.csv", header=TRUE)

data <- subset(data,select= -c (X100, X182))

y <- data$X358

z <- subset(data, select=-c(X358))

myLM <- lm(y~z)


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