[R] Installing R for use in SPSS (was: no subject)

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at me.com
Fri Aug 30 18:18:34 CEST 2013

On Aug 30, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Joana Costa <joanascosta at hotmail.com> wrote:

> good afternoon, I´m writting because I´m having some problems with R installation. I would like to install R essentials with spss Version 20 but I can´t find wher in Cran site I can do the dowload speciffically of Essentials.
> Can you help me? I do not understand musch of R software and I just need to run it in SPSS menus
> Hope forward to hearning from you soon
> Best regards
> Joana 
> Joana Costa, MSc, Ph.D.Postdoctoral Researcher(joanascosta at hotmail.com)
> CINEICC, University of Coimbra

First and foremost:

Do not reply to a prior post with a new query, which is known as "hijacking a thread". In the future, start a new thread by using a new e-mail and a proper subject line.

If you try to find your post in the list archives, it is buried within another thread, which makes it problematic.

There is no "Essentials" installation for R. The basic R installation installs "Base R plus Recommended Packages" and are a part of the standard R distribution. You can download the proper binary installation from CRAN for your OS (presuming Windows, since you are on hotmail). Just download it and run the installer. 

If there is any other configuration that SPSS requires, you will need to contact them for support.

To being your journey with R, you should start with the manuals:


and the FAQs:


and consider reading the Posting Guide:



Marc Schwartz

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