[R] How to replace zero with the character value- need help

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 16:10:32 CEST 2013

>Thank You, Arun Kirshna , for your efforts and time.
>I also found an equivalent code:
>dat[] <- lapply(dat, function(x){replace(x, x == 0, NA)}) 
>dat <-na.locf(dat)

No problem.
If you have equal replications, you could also use:
dat<- structure(list(val = c(-1.11106874013409, 0.594715240107186, 
0.0385480687548155, -0.00661093746677413, 0.464756104226324, 
-0.205171655243946, -0.292331074714542, 0.773333870981288, 1.29174969807382, 
0.362345750986263, -0.633848674579181, 0.424879532883622), state = c("TN", 
"0", "0", "AP", "0", "0", "AL", "0", "0", "AZ", "0", "0"), country = c("India", 
"0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "US", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0")), .Names = c("val", 
"state", "country"), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = "data.frame")
dat2<- dat
datNew<- dat[-3,] #to make unequal replications
dat[,-1]<-lapply(dat[,-1],function(x) x[rep(which(x!=0),each=length(x)/length(unique(x[x!=0])))])
#            val state country
#1  -1.111068740    TN   India
#2   0.594715240    TN   India
#3   0.038548069    TN   India
#4  -0.006610937    AP   India
#5   0.464756104    AP   India
#6  -0.205171655    AP   India
#7  -0.292331075    AL      US
#8   0.773333871    AL      US
#9   1.291749698    AL      US
#10  0.362345751    AZ      US
#11 -0.633848675    AZ      US
#12  0.424879533    AZ      US

 dat2[,-1]<-lapply(dat2[,-1],function(x) x[rep(which(!is.na(x)),each=length(x)/length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])))])
#[1] TRUE
#unequal reps
datNew[,-1]<-lapply(datNew[,-1],function(x) {x[rep(which(x!=0),diff(c(which(x!=0),length(x)+1)))]})
#            val state country
#1  -1.111068740    TN   India
#2   0.594715240    TN   India
#4  -0.006610937    AP   India
#5   0.464756104    AP   India
#6  -0.205171655    AP   India
#7  -0.292331075    AL      US
#8   0.773333871    AL      US
#9   1.291749698    AL      US
#10  0.362345751    AZ      US
#11 -0.633848675    AZ      US
#12  0.424879533    AZ      US


----- Original Message -----
From: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com>
To: R help <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: How to replace zero with the character value- need help 

Not sure if you have only one "country" or not. 

Try this:
dat<- data.frame(val,state,country,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#dat$country[dat$country==0]<- dat$country[dat$country!=0]

 res<-do.call(rbind,lapply(split(dat,cumsum(grepl("[A-Za-z]",dat$state))),function(x) {x$state[x$state==0]<- x$state[1];x}))
#res<- do.call(rbind,lapply(split(dat,cumsum(grepl("[A-Za-z]",dat$state))),function(x) {x$state[x$state==0]<- x$state[x$state!=0];x}))
 row.names(res)<- 1:nrow(res)
#          val state country
#1  1.50643668    TN   India
#2 -0.88024059    TN   India
#3  0.35025608    TN   India
#4 -0.08874850    AP   India
#5 -1.69222182    AP   India
#6  0.09479274    AP   India


Respected Sir/Madam 

The dataset I have,  given below. 

set.seed <- (1) 
val <- rnorm(6) 
state <- c("TN",0,0,"AP",0,0) 
country <- c("India",0,0,0,0,0) 
dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(val,state,country)) 

The dataset I need is given 

state1 <- c("TN","TN","TN","AP","AP","AP") 
country1 <- c("India","India","India","India","India","India") 
dat1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(val,state1,country1)) 

Please help me or direct me to fill the zeros with the appropriate character values. 
Thanking you in advance

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