[R] Loop over several Variables, add on question
Bert Gunter
gunter.berton at gene.com
Fri Nov 2 14:50:12 CET 2012
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 5:34 AM, bchr <bochristoph at web.de> wrote:
> Hey Petr,
> thanks for answering. First to your question: I use rename from the reshape
> package.
> You are probably right to assume that I do not have a to extensive reading
> background in R - basically I had to dive right in (which probably isn't a
> good idea, but I could not change that).
Your claim is bogus. This is a very foolish strategy for "learning" R.
Go through the Introduction to R tutorial now, and you will save
yourself a lot of time and grief. Your confusion and wasted efforts
are caused by incorrect expectations about how R works, which is
**not** like the other software you mention.
To quote Rolf Turner on this list:
(1) Learn something about R; don't just hammer and hope. Read the
introductory manuals and scan the FAQ.."
Having a solid background in other
> statistics packages (stata, SPSS) I now find myself putting quite a lot of
> effort into presumably easy to do things like recoding, merging, looping
> etc. (I really dont want to mention how long it took me to get that recode
> done in the first place ...). So in any case I am sorry if I am bothering
> you with somewhat strange problems...
> Nevertehless even though your proposed solution did work 'as is' it did not
> when I remodelled it to my data
> vec<-paste0("y", 1:5)
> ti[grep("y",vec)]<- paste0("tiy", 1:5)
> It did produce no error message but the variable names did not change. Could
> the problem be that ti in my case is not a vector but a dataframe (the y's
> being variables in that dataframe?)
> All the best
> Bernhard
> --
> View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Loop-over-several-Variables-add-on-question-tp4648216p4648225.html
> Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
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