[R] Spammer radhi

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 19:59:08 CET 2012

On 23/12/2012 1:46 PM, Rui Barradas wrote:
> This happened two or three weeks ago and it's happening again.
> Spammers are using Nabble to attack R-Help. The psts are signed radhi
> and the posts' titles are taken from previous posts and therefore seem
> authentic but all messages end with "click here". I suggest you don't.
> And don't rply to this "radhi"

A simple solution to the Nabble problem is to filter on the "Message-ID" 
and "References" header.  If either of them contains the string 
"nabble.com", then the message was either posted from Nabble or is a 
reply to a message that was posted from Nabble. Delete both types, and 
Nabble ceases to be a problem.

Duncan Murdoch

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